Tips kanggo tukulampu led mirror
Nalika sampeyan milih jinis lampu iki, sampeyan kudu nemtokake wattage lampu kasebut miturut ukuran jedhing. Saiki, watt lampu pangilon ing pasar relatif cilik, ing antarane sing 7w, 10w, lan 10w luwih umum digunakake. Pira watt lampu pangilon LED gumantung saka ukuran jedhing. Umumé, cahya kluwarga diitung kira-kira 0.7W-1W / meter persegi.
Tips kanggo tukuled mirror lights two
Nowadays, there are different styles and sizes of mirror headlights on the market, and you can choose according to your own preferences and the decoration style of the bathroom. If you want to choose an integrated light, measure the width of the mirror. There are also some independent bulb styles, and the number of choices should be more.
Tips kanggo tukulampu led mirrortelu
Ing ndhuwur kabeh dipilih, langkah sabanjure yaiku milih kap lampu. Saiki, ana akeh jinis lampshades ing pasar, lan sampeyan bisa milih miturut pilihan sampeyan dhewe. Dibandhingake karo lumahing pangilon, lampu pangilon LED frosted relatif kurang nggumunake, lan cahya luwih alus. Iki gumantung ing pilihan pribadi. Yen sampeyan wedi yen bakal dadi peteng, sampeyan bisa milih lumahing pangilon.
Tips kanggo tukulampu led mirrorpapat
Mirror lights can not only make the bathing space more fashionable, but also greatly facilitate the use of the owners. The style and quality of the mirror headlights are different, and the price also has a big difference, generally ranging from tens to hundreds, and the difference is very large. Low-priced LED mirror headlights have small chips and fast light decay. Don't fall into the low-price trap of merchants.