Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror Kanthi Sabuk
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Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror Kanthi Sabuk

Punika kita Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk karoCE TUV IP44 Garansi 2 taun. Iku digawe munggah karo5 MM kaca tanpa tembaga, lan nggunakake UL ceritified waterproof LED belang. Pemasangan tembok, gampang dipasang;CRI80 +, 2700-6000K kasedhiya.
Ana fungsi opsional sing bisa disesuaikan: kayata dimming, Anti-fogging, Explosion proof, Color Temperature Changing, Digital Clock, Temperature Display, utawa Bluetooth Music playing.

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Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk

Pambuka produk

Iki Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk iki penemuan paling anyar kualitas dhuwur karoCE TUV IP44 lan nawakake Garansi 2 taun.

Iku digawe munggah karo 5MM Tembaga-free mirror, lan nggunakakeUL ceritified waterproof LED stripe. Desain sabuk iku modis lan prasaja, gampang digantung.

Kita minangka produsen lan panyedhiya ing China, sing ngabdiake awake dhewe kanggo lampu Mirror pirang-pirang taun, nyakup sebagian besar pasar Eropa lan Timur Tengah. Lan kita duwe pengalaman sugih ingOEM/ODM. Kita ngarepake dadi mitra jangka panjang ing china.

Parameter Produk (Spesifikasi)


Jeneng produk & No.

Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk


Info dhasar.

Ukuran:Φ600*30 MM;
5mm Tembaga Free Mirror;
8mm Jembar LED Strip.
Frosted Edge Mirror Kaca

Input (V)

220-240V / 110V-130V 50HZ

Daya (W)

Maks 36 W

Info LED Strip.

3V/60mA/Konstan DC12V/Raâ¥80

Length Strip LED

1730 mm

Ukuran/Daya (W) Kanggo Film Defogger


Daya Speaker (W) yen duwe

Max 5W

Tingkat Proteksi (IP)


Kabel (mm)

Putih 2X0.75mm2 / 500/ Kanthi Plug

Nguripake / Pateni

Tutul Ngalih


900 Lm

Warna LED (K)




Bahan Cermin

Lebar 5mm / Bebas Timah, Bebas Tembaga

Urip (H)

â¥30000 Jam

Suhu lan Kelembapan

-10â~ +40â/ Kelembapan <90%

Ukuran produk (mm)

Φ600 Utawa Customized

Ukuran Paket Tunggal (Mm)


Bobot Net Produk Tunggal (Kg)


Jarak Lubang Pemasangan (Mm)





Fitur Produk lan Aplikasi

Desain Klasik iki dikarepake lan praktis, Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk bakal nyorot dekorasi jedhing, nambah bahan lan efisiensi.


âKanthi Desain Sabuk

âSensor tutul kanthi fungsi On/Off
â5mm pangilon perak lingkungan, bebas tembaga lan bebas timah
âPerawatan cermin anti karat khusus
âBebas sidik jari kanggo area sing frosted pangilon
âBasis alu dilapisi bubuk putih tahan karat
âPadhange dhuwur lan cahya homogen
âLed SMD2835 output dhuwur, hemat energi lan umur dawa 30000 jam
âHigh Color Rendering Index (CRI>80), cocog kanggo aplikasi dandanan
âBuilt-in driver LED elektronik CE / UL sertifikat
âIP44 anti banyu
âPasang sing gampang digantung, lan gampang kanggo perawatan
âCE RoHS sertifikat
âUkuran Cermin Kamar Mandi LED Round Hotel kanthi Sabuk bisa digawe khusus

The Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk bisa disesuaikan sing perlu:

Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror With Belt

Fungsi Opsional:



âBukti bledosan

âGanti Suhu Telung Warna

âJam Digital, Tampilan Suhu

âSpeaker Bluetooth--Seneng Musik nalika Adus

Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror With Belt

Detail Produk

Kanggo mbangun jedhing impen karo LED Lighted Mirror, Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk nawakake defogger inbuilt, On / Off Tutul switch, karo lampu LED.

Jeneng: Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk

Ukuran: Φ 600*600mm, Φ 800*800mm, Φ 900*900mm, (utawa ukuran Customizable)

Fungsi Opsional: Defogger, Switch Tutul, Bluetooth, Wektu., lsp.

Pangilon: 5mm pangilon tanpa tembaga, tanpa bingkai.

Led Stripe: UL ceritified waterproof LED stripe

Suhu Warna: 3000K/4000K/6000K

Wangun: Bunder / Bunder, utawa disesuaikan

Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror With Belt

Kualifikasi produk

Saben Piece saka Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk dites lan dicenthang dening tim QC. Mung qualified Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror karo Sabuk bisa dikirim.

Ketat IPQC FQC QA nggawe manawa kualitas paling apik kanggo pelanggan.

Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror With Belt

Hot Tags: Round Hotel LED Bathroom Mirror Kanthi Sabuk, China, Pabrik, Produsen, Supplier, Digawe ing China, Customized, Murah

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