{tembung kunci} Pabrikan

Pabrik kita nyedhiyakake Mirror Kamar Mandi LED, Mirror Makeup LED, Mirror Dressing LED, Lampu Mirror LED. Thanks kanggo dhukungan sing kuat saka wong saka kabeh lapisan masyarakat, perusahaan wis nggawe hubungan koperasi sing apik karo pelanggan penting ing omah lan ing luar negeri. We njupuk kualitas dhuwur, rega cukup lan layanan sampurna.

Produk Panas

  • Rectangle Led Bathroom Mirror Kanthi Acrylic Edge Around

    Rectangle Led Bathroom Mirror Kanthi Acrylic Edge Around

    We supply Rectangle LED Bathroom Mirror with Acrylic Edge Around with . we devoted ourselves to LED Mirror Light many years,covering most of Europe and the Middle East market. And we have rich experience in . We are expecting become your long term partner in china.
  • Pangilon Makeup LED Bunder Kanthi Bingkai Logam

    Pangilon Makeup LED Bunder Kanthi Bingkai Logam

    Kita nyedhiyakake Cermin Makeup LED Bulat kanthi Bingkai LogamGaransi 2 taun.
    Kita ngabdiake awake dhewe menyang Lampu Pangilon LED pirang-pirang taun, nyakup sebagian besar pasar Eropa lan Timur Tengah.
    Lan kita duwe pengalaman sugih ingOEM/ODM. Kita ngarepake dadi mitra jangka panjang sampeyan ing china.
  • Water Drop Shape Backlit LED Bathroom Mirror

    Water Drop Shape Backlit LED Bathroom Mirror

    We nyedhiyakake Water Drop Shape Backlit LED Bathroom Mirror karoCE TUV IP44 Garansi 2 taun. kita setya dhéwé kanggo LED Mirror Light kanggo akèh taun, nutupi paling Eropah lan pasar Timur Tengah. Lan kita duwe pengalaman sugih ingOEM/ODM. Kita ngarepake dadi mitra jangka panjang sampeyan ing china.
  • Customized Wall Mounted LED Lighted Bathroom Salon Mirror

    Customized Wall Mounted LED Lighted Bathroom Salon Mirror

    We nyuplai Customized Wall Mounted LED Lighted Bathroom Salon Mirror karoCE TUV IP44 Garansi 2 taun. kita setya dhéwé kanggo LED Mirror Light kanggo akèh taun, nutupi paling Eropah lan pasar Timur Tengah. Lan kita duwe pengalaman sugih ingOEM/ODM. Kita ngarepake dadi mitra jangka panjang sampeyan ing china.
  • Backlit Rectangle LED Bathroom Mirror

    Backlit Rectangle LED Bathroom Mirror

    We nyedhiyakake Backlit Rectangle LED Bathroom Mirror karoCE TUV IP44 Garansi 2 taun. kita setya dhéwé kanggo LED Mirror Light kanggo akèh taun, nutupi paling Eropah lan pasar Timur Tengah. Lan kita duwe pengalaman sugih ingOEM/ODM. Kita ngarepake dadi mitra jangka panjang sampeyan ing china.
  • Wall Mounted Framed Round LED Bathroom Mirror

    Wall Mounted Framed Round LED Bathroom Mirror

    Punika Wall Mounted Framed Round LED Bathroom Mirror karoCE TUV IP44 Garansi 3 taun. Iku digawe munggah karo5 MM kaca tanpa tembaga, lan nggunakake UL ceritified waterproof LED belang. Pemasangan tembok, gampang dipasang; CRI80 +, 2700-6000K kasedhiya.
    Ana fungsi opsional sing bisa disesuaikan: kayata dimming, Anti-fogging, Explosion proof, Color Temperature Changing, Digital Clock, Temperature Display, utawa Bluetooth Music playing.

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